If you have bought an item from this web site and wish to return it, please use the following steps for a full refund:

  1. Do not remove the item from its sealed individual packaging. This is important for collectibles such as coins in order to assure the item remains in its original condition.
  2. Send us an email advising us of the return.
  3. Package your item carefully and send it back to us within seven (7) days of your receipt.
  4. We will verify the contents of the return. Assuming all checks out you will be refund 100% of your original purchase price (including any shipping costs you paid) as well as the cost you incurred shipping back to us. For your return cost, we will use the postage price paid. Keep a receipt showing your return expenses in the event the price paid to ship is not clear on the package so we can get a copy of that via email if needed.